Saturday, June 25, 2011

Senior Minister lauds UNOPS’ contribution towards community development

W. G. S. S. Ranatunga
 June 18, 2011,

Senior Minister for Food and Nutrition, P. Dayaratne undertook an inspection tour of development projects in Dehiattakandiya, recently. Peter Smith, Senior Projects Manager, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) briefed the Minister on the development initiatives launched to improve the living standards of the people of the region.

Key amongst these UNOPS projects are the compost fertilizer plant set up at Lihiniyagama at a cost of Rs. 14 million and the presentation of a lorry and a tractor to the Dehiattakandiya Pradeshiya Sabha (PS).

"These inputs helped in a big way to keep the environment clean", Smith said.

The vehicles were earlier handed over by UNOPS to PS chairman T. M. Jayasena and deputy chairman K. G. Wijeratne.

The Minister expressed his gratitude to UNOPS for its meaningful contribution towards helping the community and raising the living standards of the poor people of Dehiattakandiya, an electorate of Digamadulla district which he represented in parliament.

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